Greening the Australian Scene: Practical Tips for Eco-Friendly Event Planning

In an era where sustainability is not just a buzzword but a necessity, event planning is undergoing a significant transformation here in Australia. According to recent regulatory changes in Australia, like ASIC's expectations and Treasury consultations, there's a growing emphasis on sustainability in event planning. Standards like ISO 20121 and guidelines from the City of Sydney and the Events Industry Council further reinforce the need for sustainable practices.

With attendees increasingly aware of environmental issues, it’s increasingly important that event planners begin to adopt eco-friendly practices.

Here are some practical tips designed to help you make your next event greener and much more sustainable.

1. Eco-Friendly Invitations

Digital Invites: Use platforms like Evite or Greenvelope for interactive, paperless invitations.

Recycled Paper: If physical invites are necessary, opt for post-consumer recycled paper.

Seed Paper: For a unique touch, contact us about seed paper invitations that can be planted post-event.

2. Sustainable Venue Selection

Location: Choose a central venue to reduce attendee travel emissions.

Public Transport Access: Ensure the venue is accessible by public transportation.

Waste Management: Partner with venues that have robust recycling and composting facilities.

3. Virtual and Hybrid Events

Virtual Platforms: Use tools like Zoom or Microsoft Teams to host online events, significantly reducing the carbon footprint.

Hybrid Models: Combine in-person and virtual elements to cater to a wider audience while maintaining sustainability.

4. Green Transportation

Public Transportation: Encourage the use of buses, trains, and subways to minimise carbon emissions.

Carpooling and Ride-Sharing: Promote carpooling options among attendees.

5. Solar-Powered Stages

Renewable Energy: Use solar panels to power event stages, reducing reliance on fossil fuels.

6. LED Lighting

Energy Efficiency: Implement LED lighting for its lower energy consumption and longer lifespan.

7. Digital Check-In

Paperless Registration: Use digital platforms for check-in to reduce paper waste.

8. Reusable Decor

Sustainable Materials: Opt for decorations that can be reused across multiple events.

9. Sustainable Water Stations

Refill Points: Set up water refill stations to reduce the use of single-use plastic bottles.

10. Serve Sustainable Food & Beverages

Plant-Based Options: Offer vegetarian or vegan meal options to lower the event's carbon footprint.

Locally-Sourced Catering: Use local produce to reduce transportation emissions and support local businesses.

Bulk Dispensers: Utilise bulk dispensers for condiments and beverages to minimise packaging waste.

11. Compost Stations

Organic Waste Management: Implement compost stations to turn food waste into a resource.

12. Eco-Friendly Event Kits

Sustainable Merchandise: Provide attendees with eco-friendly items like Terra Tag sustainable name tags and lanyards, reusable water bottles and recycled material pens.

13. Carbon Offsetting

Emission Compensation: Invest in carbon offset projects to balance out the event's carbon footprint.

14. Waste Reduction Goals

SMART Objectives: Set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound waste reduction targets.

15. Recyclable Event Badges

Sustainable Materials: Use badges made from recyclable materials to reduce waste.

16. Digital Feedback

Electronic Surveys: Collect attendee feedback electronically to minimise paper use.

17. Reusable Tableware

Durable Dining Options: Avoid single-use cutlery and plates by opting for clever reusable tableware.

18. Natural Lighting

Sunlight Utilisation: Choose venues with ample natural light to reduce electricity usage.

19. Sustainable Post-Event Clean-Up

Eco-Friendly Disposal: Ensure a thorough, environmentally responsible clean-up post-event.

20. Green Event Branding

Eco-Conscious Materials: Use sustainable materials for event branding and signage.

Incorporating these tips can significantly reduce the environmental impact of your events.

By adopting these eco-friendly strategies, you not only contribute to a healthier planet but also align with the evolving expectations of attendees and regulatory bodies. Remember, every small step towards sustainability can have a significant impact on our environment.

Rhonda Sweet

28 years experience as a strategic designer, ethnographic researcher and people leader at Bain, Westpac and McKinsey. I'm insatiably curious and always thinking about the people who experience a solution when I design. I love complex problems quite simply because they present a wide range of perspectives that can be resolved when rooted in deep user research. A Mum, artist, and owner of Terra Tags with an uncommon obsession for medieval Tudor history.

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